Ad Hoc Payments & Allowances

Hi all

I was hoping to find out what you currently do in terms of making additional payments for First Aiders, Fire Wardens, Colleague Representatives, Mentors etc and how much these allowances would be.

We obviously require these responsibilities in the workplace and want to incentivise people to do the roles but want them to be comparable in terms of how they are perceived.and not be too costly.

Look forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance.

Best wishes


  • Hi Liz

    I think much depends on how much (if any) of their own(unpaid-for) time they have to devote to initial training + any refreshers

    Assuming none, in the past have paid designated first aiders present day equivalent of about £200 pa and fire wardens in an ordinary office environment nothing, on the basis that nothing is ever likely to happen. Although in contrast a fullblown works fire brigade with their own little fire engine and hoses and pumps in a very hazardous environment doing regular drills after work has been paid in line with local authority retained firefighters, which is thousands pa

    About a third of all you pay gross will go in tax and NI, so anything not in three figures is hardly worth paying