Living the values/role models

I work for a very large public sector organisation and recently obtained a promotion to work in another section of that organisation. Since then, one of the very senior managers who I used to do work for before I moved, has on numerous occasions just blanked me totally., even if I see them at at event or even in in the corridor. Not that important to me in the grand scale of things, but it got me thinking about living values by behaviours and calling out behaviours that do not reflect the organisations values and the responsibilities of senior leaders to set the standard.

Is it best for me to ignore or highlight. I’d be interested in what folk think.

  • It depends:-
    How 'secure' and/or confident do you feel? What is your self worth? Is important to YOU!
    You may want to think about how will you give feedback about his behaviour? Is it going to judge him, or simply state that you've noticed he appears to ignore you now he's moved?

    How assertive are you?

    Some people are quite happy tackling anyone. (my wife would quite happily confront anyone if she felt it important - if it made things different for someone, prevented that behaviour happening again, or simply because she felt it important for her own self worth).

    So I think it really depends on what you feel and whether he is worth bothering with - is it important to you and perhaps will it make him change or at least acknowledge his own behaviour?.
  • In reply to David Perry:

  • In reply to CJ10:

    These things happen for all sorts Of reasons

    It will probably blow over naturally.

    I personally wouldn’t be making a big thing of it. At most I might try and have a quiet word with them ( and not about values) just saying things appear to be a bit different , is it something you have done? Etc.
  • In reply to Keith:

  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    8 Oct, 2019 11:16

    A related thread...[?]

    How can we assess if an employee fits the organizational values?