Post Employment Notice Pay (PENP) Awareness Survey

Dear CIPD Community Members,

I am conducting some research on the level of awareness within the HR community of the changes that HMRC made last year regarding termination payments and was wondering if you would be kind enough to complete my survey which can be found here: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/FFLTNRN

The survey has 5 questions and will take less than a minute to complete. Thank you for taking the time to read this message and I look forward to receiving your responses.

Best regards,

Paul Amani ACIPP

  • Getting some interesting responses to the PENP Awareness survey. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to complete it so far. The survey is still open and I am looking forward to sharing the results (and my thoughts) next month.
  • Just a quick note to say that the PENP Awareness survey that I am running will close on Friday 30th August so there is still time to complete it if you haven't had a chance to yet. Thank you to the 31 respondents that have completed it so far.
  • Hi All. Just a quick note to say that I have incorporated the responses from the Post Employment Notice Pay (PENP) survey that I conducted last month in my latest blog here:
    Thanks again to everyone that took part. The most interesting result from this survey was the fact that 79% of respondents were aware that the way that termination payments are taxed has changed. However, 55% of respondents were not aware of the PENP formula, which is a key part of the change. Perhaps HMRC need to do more to raise awareness, especially with more change due to come into effect from 6 April 2020.