New Year's Resolutions we can actually keep...

Steve Bridger

| 0 Posts

Community Manager

2 Jan, 2025 11:43

I hope that those of you who had a break from work had a very good holiday!

As we're drifing back to the office / workplace / home office... I wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year!

So who has committed to some work or work/life balance resolutions for 2025?

I have started gently - i.e. to allocate at least 30 minutes each working day to actually read those articles I say I'll come back to when I have time but rarely do.

ps In case you missed it: A round-up of expert resources to keep your people practices up to date in 2024 and beyond...


  • I've written myself a checklist of what I need to check each day and I'll be checking it off.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    6 Jan, 2025 10:47

    Anyone else?

    I think we (the CIPD) will be recording a podcast tomorrow about 'workplace habits' - e.g. taking small steps - rather than how I framed this discussion around 'resolutions'. Watch this space.

  • Hi. Yes. I have prioritied 4 things( Personal and professional goals) for this year and I am put my focus and energy into it. All other things will around them will be attended accordingly.
  • Thank you and happy New Year! I will try to stand up more + will physically get up and move around every hour on the hour. And for those times we find we can't detach/ switch off, maybe regularly doing reflection exercises (such as these openup.com/.../ ) would help us to stay balanced. That is- to slow down, work mindfully according to our values & not try to "boil the ocean". Peace