Looking for HR Consultants in North or South East who know about Annualised Hours

Hello Im new to the forums and hoping you can help. I am the HR Manager for an SME (approx. 120 employees) and we are looking to restructure and amend all staff T&Cs to include annualised hours for the site staff that we have (a team of approximately 70 surveyors that travel nationwide). I have no experience with annualised hours and while I can advise on HOW to undertake a restructure and the communication and how to manage the change of T&Cs I am not confident in the knowledge side. We are therefore looking to bring a consultant in to help us with this process, either based in Stockport or near Bishops Stortford. Can anyone help?

Many thanks

  • I know that Stone King LLP have a team of HR Consultants with some that cover your area. They are a good team and know their stuff.
    PS: I don't work for them