Benefits Portal - BusyBees

Hello all,

We are an SME and I joined less than a month ago. Employees are unhappy with the current benefits provider and hence I am looking to implement a new portal. BusyBees seems fine to me. Those who have seen the demo think its better than the one they are currently using. 

Have any of you used BusyBees? Its hard to find reviews online. Also, do you have any recommendations at around the same price?

Your help is much appreciated.

Warm regards,

Vinutha Bhat

  • Hi, I am currently looking at benefits for my workplace and just came across BusyBees. Did you go with them? Do you have any recommendations. I have been in contact with a few others such as Healthshield and Westfield but there is a such a variety of benefits and different offerings. Thanks
  • In reply to Lynsey:

    Yes, we are going ahead with BusyBees