Fun day out for employees...

Hi All

Can anyone give some ideas and the direction where will be the best place to look for a Company fun day event, please.

About 400 people.

Any recommendations will be highly appreciated.

Kind Regards

Violetta Gluskina

  • Have you asked the employees themselves what ideas they have?
  • In reply to Annabel:

    Hi, thank a lot for the reply. As we are planning to arrange it first time, we don’t want to ask, as it can open a huge amount of discussions and debates. We want to do, them we will listen to the feedback for the future.
  • In reply to Violetta:

    Personally I would ask them (or a small group of them) as Annabel suggests.

    A lot will depend on your workforce.

    Its a Knock Out type event (there are people who organise these)
    Day at the Races
    Day at a theme park
    A combination charity/helping out event with a social event in the evening
    A wellness day with lots of different activities for them to try

    etc etc
  • My husbands company ran a fun day a few years ago and they hired what was basically a fairground - everything from dodgems, to a big wheel, to the little stalls where you throw darts at playing cards!! There were bbq's, a disco, an indoor soft play area for kids and all sorts of other bits and bobs I can't remember. It was set up in such a way that it was purely for employees and their families - everything was free including transport. It ran from 2pm well into the early hours of the next morning. Everyone relaxed, there was communication at all levels and employees saw a different side to each other. It was totally amazing and I have never forgotten it - although I wouldn't have liked to have been footing the bill at the end of it ;-)
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    4 Jul, 2019 13:56

    In reply to Violetta:

    Hi Violetta... as Keith intimates, is there an employee social committee (for want of a better expression)?

    However well-intentioned, if 'the management' impose a 'fun day out' on staff you will get plenty of 'discussion and debate' anyway.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    4 Jul, 2019 13:58

    ps 400 is a lot of people.

    What kind of business is it?
    Does it make more sense to break this down into depts / divisions / directorates?
  • Hi Violetta

    When our staff asked for a summer fun-day last year, we set up a Google sheet for them to add their suggestions. Yes, we got lots of different ones, but it gave us a good idea of the sort of thing that appealed to the majority. I then went away and looked at costs and with the MD decided on what the final event should be. We're a much smaller company, but we ended up sponsoring 4 days of volunteering with Groundwork, a national charity that work with local community groups, and can support with either small events, or much larger ones.
    We followed that with a half day Sports Day, complete with sack race, giant egg and spoon race etc. It was run by an events company that came to our office (we have a green space out the front) and we laid on a barbecue. All good fun, and most people very happy!

    This year we've done the same thing - the general mood was for something less energetic, so it's going to be the same volunteering days, followed by a city treasure hunt and pizza.
  • In reply to Keith:

    thank you very much
  • In reply to Louise:

    We've done a city treasure hunt and it was really good. Lots of running around the city centre involved.
  • The only thing i would add is that whatever you do, please include something that is introvert friendly - they may prefer a bit of a 'back stage' role somewhere
  • In reply to Teresa:

    100% agree
  • Hi Violetta, love the idea of setting up a committee to come up with suggestions as 400 people is a large amount to consider. Setup a charter for the committee (google it, there are lots of examples so that the committee have direction on what they need to consider). Also useful to have a budget for all or per division, that way you know what you're working with. At the CIPD festival of work we came across an organisation called Bowles https://bowles.rocks/ not sure where you are based but they also come to your office and are used to dealing with large groups as well as working on any strategic HR goals such as diversity & inclusion as suggested below. The committee can also help you to get volunteers to co-ordinate for each division/team where they need to be and what they need to do leading up to and on the day. Finally after lots of work and planning, have fun and enjoy the day with the teams!