Discovery Insight or other alternative

Hi there,

Hopefully some of you can help here.

Historically we've carried out Tetra Map training which is similar to Discovery Insight however because our normal facilitator has retired it seems a good time to explore whether we look at more 'well known' options .

My question is, does anyone have any recommendations of companies that will facilitate the Discovery Insights from their experience or any other similar programmes?

Many thanks


  • Hi Clare
    I use Discovery Insights and had been involved from a participant side before coming to my current company. In my first couple of months a consultancy was bought in to run an Insights session for one of the teams. Upon investigating, it was cheaper to become an accredited Facilitator myself (as well as development for me) than to pay for one session run by a consultant. Since being accredited I've run around 20 sessions so far for my organisation from all levels including the board. If you have someone in your company who has the skills to take this on, it might be worth considering this route.
  • In reply to Claire:

    Hi Claire,
    Thanks and that's useful to know, I know with Tetra Map that it would have been the same however at the time, we didn't have the time or people resources to do this so it could be food for thought.

    How many do you have in your organisation and do you run it for everyone or simply as part of development?

  • In reply to Clare:

    Hi Clare
    We have around 850, with 600 or so in majority fixed term seasonal roles, and 250 in Head Office. My plan is to put the whole of Head Office through it in the first phase to provide a common 'language' and facilitate team effectiveness - breaking down barriers between different departments, etc. With the odd exception it's been really well received and is definitely impacting in a positive way, both within teams and with individuals personal development.
  • In reply to Claire:

    Just a general observation, that any decent Jungian personality profiling tool may well serve your purpose equally well if not better. For just a couple of examples out of very many, 16PF or Myers Briggs
  • In reply to David:

    Hi David,

    Thanks for feedback.

    The Tetra map sessions we've run have really helped previously and being well received however we've found that it isn't that well known and my current brief is to explore other avenues so I'll be looking at a few options with a view as to which will work for our business.

  • Hi Claire I'm a great fan of MBTI and have been using it for more than 10 years. I have tried Disc, Insight and Tetra mapping and they all appear to be based on the same theories. The reason I like MBTI is the wealth of materials available. Like you say, it provides a nice and useful 'common language' throughout the organisation and I use MBTI a lot for encouraging self-development.