Sage 50 HR package

Hi All

Does anyone have any feedback on this as an HR database please?

We currently don't have a database and Sage is already used for payroll.  An easy integration would be a bonus.

We are only small with an equally limited budget (in the short term anyway).  At this stage we are looking for something that does what it says on the tin - I will save the all singing and dancing systems for when we are bigger and there is more of an appetite to spend budget.  Just looking for the basics at this stage although at some point some sort of recruitment package would be good to bolt on.

Thanks in advance.


  • Hi Marie,

    Can I ask if you went with Sage HR? We too use sage for payroll and are looking for a HR package


  • Hi Both

    We used Sage 50 previously and i would have preferred to stay with them over our new provider, however the company's decision was to ultimately move away (long story but nothing to do with competency of sage.)

    From what i remember it was user friendly in comparison to what we currently use (too many places where you have to 'drill down' to get what you want now) and the initial data transfer was relatively painless for a company with 180 staff. No complaints about the training we got at the time but of course your mileage may vary with that. i'm pretty sure it covered all the basics as well.

    Wish i had a more up to date opinion of the technical aspect to give you but in your case Marie, assuming you haven't already, i figure you might as well discuss your options with them considering you already use it for Payroll.
