Employer Sponsored Volunteering

Hi Everyone

I have just joined a West Sussex based charity, Community Minibus Service (West Sussex), as a Trustee and am exploring ways of assisting then to attract suitable volunteers. One critical gap in the skill set of the Trustees is major fund raising to attract grants or sponsorship. It occurred to me that maybe we could attract a volunteer with such expertise for a limited time from a local employer that has a policy of Employer Sponsored Volunteering but I am struggling to find any registers of such employers and wondered if the HR Community might be able to assist?

Cathrine Gear

  • Hi Catherine

    I don't think there is any such register.

    Also, I don't think fundraising, whether trust & corporate or major donors, is a skill that you will find in the average business. Other charities will have this expertise, although you may find that they need their fundraisers to focus on their own fundraising activity. You could try advertising at your local volunteer centre. The NCVO has a register of volunteer centres and lots of other helpful resources https://www.ncvo.org.uk/ncvo-volunteering/find-a-volunteer-centre

  • In reply to Elizabeth Divver:

    Many thanks Elizabeth
  • Why not try a supermarket, some of them run a Charity of the Year, which they support with fundraising and staff. I used to work for one and we successfully raised with the charity themselves over £40K. It took commitment from both parties and a good understanding of how the supermarket would support. Another one of these Charity of the Year turned out to be out just for what they could get!