CIPD Membership Value

Hi All

Received my renewal letter yesterday. Please would someone rejuvenate my interest? Do you feel membership has benefits? I'm genuinely struggling to see what value it offers to be honest.

(I do appreciate the irony of using the community site to post this!)

  • Haven't received my new card yet, so can't comment on how scrappy it might be.
    But I'm glad to see the back of the "credit card" - it's just another piece of plastic.

  • In reply to Clare:

    Although I have many thoughts about the value of my £190 membership, the membership card quality certainly isn't one of them. When do you actually need to show this? I'm guessing never. And therefore why shouldn't the CIPD cut down on unnecessary plastic use? This is one area I am in support of.
  • In reply to Annabel:

    As a job applicant when proving membership of this and other professional bodies. Employers check professional memberships along with original qualifications and proof of identity, at least they do in this neck of the woods.

    I now have a slightly ripped piece of paper to present.

    I would think that HR professionals would be the very group who would want to ensure that those who say they are members, actually are by checking?

    As to the original question, in my case I learn a lot from my membership. It keeps me up to date with current legislation and good practice. The daily emails are useful, the podcast interesting and of course reading the threads on here is always informative.
  • In reply to Helen:

    Yep, mine was the same. Managed to rip it just trying to get it off the paper it was stuck to!
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Thanks Steve - good to know there's a very good reason!
  • In my last but one job, I was not allowed to use the Communities - I have since tried to make up for it and have found these pages to be a great resource. I am standalone and the ability to connect to everyone on this forum (with particular reference and honourable mention to Ray!) has been an absolute godsend for me and worth the membership fee. Has saved my bacon (and my sanity) on more than one occasion.

    I have also used Perkbox which gave me access to a Boxxfit (on-line gym) subscription. I had started boxing when I was between jobs and this enabled me to keep my hand in a little when I started working again full-time whilst also trying to spend time caring for a disabled relative.

    Lastly, in my last job, I had no access to employment law advice outside of previously agreed parameters for certain projects. I therefore did use the communities or the CIPD helpline. It is limited and in my view only useful for ad hoc questions, rather than more complicated case work, but in my situation, when I had no other access to legal advice, I did derive some value from it, with certain caveats.

    In my current job, I can see myself using the H&S helpline more.
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Now it has been recognised that the new membership cards are not fit for purpose what is happening to replace them?
  • In reply to Julie:

    Really glad I just read this. Just fished mine out of the bin as I hadn't even realised it was my membership card.
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Steve. Can I make a suggestion. Why not do what some of the other professional bodies do and have a searchable register of members online. This would cut out the need for annual cards, letters etc.

    Take a look at the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply as a good example www.cips.org/.../

    Just a thought.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    7 Jun, 2019 07:04

    In reply to Anka:

    Thank you, Anka. This is our raison d'être.
  • In reply to Lesley Weare:

    I nearly did the same last night Lesley - took me a second look to notice the membership "card" on the bottom. I see what people mean. Nearly ended up peeling it in half getting it off the letter.

    I'm all for reducing plastic, but the new cards just about survive being taken off the letter. I agree with Julie, perhaps an online register and then if employers want to check someones membership they just need to access the register and enter the persons membership number. Saves on both plastic and paper! Win win.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    7 Jun, 2019 12:41

    In reply to Annabel:

    I tend to agree, Annabel (I would say that, wouldn't I). Clearly there have been some quality control issues in the transition - as David says in his video - but the intent is there.

  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    But as the saying goes: ' The road to Hell is paved with good intentions'
  • I'm grateful to everyone who commented on the fragility of the new membership card. Mine arrived this morning and I have managed to keep it intact and uncrumpled thanks to the warnings to handle it with care.