Running an Employee Focus Group


I have been given the go-ahead to start running an employee focus group. 

We are a small but growing manufacturing Company with 50 employees (not unionised). We currently hold a 6 weekly Staff Forum, which currently addresses:

  • New starters
  • How we are doing?
  • Short/Medium/Long term operation specific goals i.e. new dust extractor, dirty kitchen, toilet role etc
  • HR briefing
  • IOB

I am not wanted to remove the Staff Forum entirely but I am keen to set-up an employee work-group (Focus group) that allows employees to make a more strategic impact into the business.

I am the sole HR professional in my Company and I would see myself as the group facilitator.

I would appreciate any comments and suggestions.

Kind regards,


  • You already have a staff forum, you are a small organisation, why wouldn't you use this and just address the issues you want to in that? Calling it something different wont change teh behaviours or discussions necessarily....
  • In reply to Keith:

    Hi Keith,
    Thank you for your reply.

    Having discussed with the managers, my vision is to have a smaller group (8-10 employees) compared to the current forum format, which can have 30-40 employees. It is not the most effective format for employees to make a strategic impact into processes.
  • In reply to Ruth:

    OK so you aren't really (in general parlance ) holding a staff forum at the moment but an all team meeting / town hall. That makes a bit more sense.

    A staff forum would normally be a much smaller group.

    In that case you will need to think very carefully how your new staff representative body sits with the wider all team meeting.

    You will need to draft some terms of reference and what is in scope and out of scope.

    You will need to decide how you elect/nominate people to attend

    As you are so small you will need to work on how these Forum members dont end up as an "elite" and special creating a two tier workforce

    Personally I would probably have a few working sessions as part of your all team meetings - set them some objective or task to discuss and work upon. maybe as part of an extended meeting. I just think it makes sense to keep most of it in one place
  • In reply to Ruth:

    Have you thought of asking the existing forum for their opinions? Surely they'll know better than us what will/won't work. And you appear to value their opinions?