Company Internal Newsletter


We'd like to introduce an internal newsletter for our employees to update on things like:

  • training
  • benefits
  • activities (fitness groups etc)
  • sponsorship
  • new staff/long service awards/leavers
  • sales updates

We have 100+ employees on site and 50+ overseas so it would be another way to communicate and hopefully help with employee engagement.

The directors aren't keen on social media so we're limited on what we can implement.  Ideally a link to a staff area on the company website would work but there's reluctance from the IT manager.

Does anyone currently circulate a newsletter and in what format please?  Who manages the content - HR?

Thanks for your help.


  • Hi Jackie,

    We use Mailchimp to circulate our internal newsletter - we create it on their website and then email it to ourselves ready to circulate via an all staff email. We find it works well for us :)

    It is mostly HR that manages the content but we work with Marketing and Management to ensure that we capture all of the information that might go in there.

    We also run a little "Guess the Baby" quiz each month with a small prize for the winner. Introducing some fun little competitions like this has definitely helped with engagement :)

    Hope that helps!


  • In reply to Shelley:

    Thanks Shelly, that's really helpful. I'll have a look at Mailchimp. We're still a bit stick in the 1970's but I'm pushing not to circulate bits of paper!
  • In reply to Shelley:

    I've used Mailchimp in the past too, and it's very straightforwards, and looks professional. Do check how it appears in your email system however, as the formatting can be very different on different systems.