CIPD Level 7 Diploma or certificate?

I'm looking into completing my Level 7 long distance. I'm very confused between the certificate and diploma. I understand the diploma covers double the modules; and you can gain a higher membership level; but i would really like to understand opportunities for progression.

I'm currently a HR Manager (have been for 4 years) I'm not looking to leave my role; however want to further my knowledge by completing Level 7. In all honesty I do not have time to commit to 2 - 3 years for the diploma; and would prefer to complete the certificate. However; I don't really understand what job opportunities would be available to me in the future. I have never seen a job advert specifying Certificate/Diploma only Level 7. 

I'd like some advice please from people that have been in a similar position; as I do not want to complete the certificate if it's not going to benefit me in the future (it would have been a waste)

Many Thanks


  • Hi Claire

    I've just searched 'Level 7 Certificate' on here, and found your post! This is an identical question as to what I'd ask (& I'm in exactly the same position / situation as you!)... Have you had any further information on this by any chance?

