Restructure dismissal

the company needs to let two people go (both under 2 years service ) due to budget restraints and restructuring. Their roles can be covered elsewhere .

they are the only ones in that department

can we just have a meeting and explain the situation and inform them we will be letting them go, or would we need to follow a process and have a meeting stating this could be an outcome?

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    14 Mar, 2019 15:30

    Redundancy rather than dismissal, presumably?
  • this is a redundancy situation so should be handled with initial meeting, consultation, selection and dismissal to be a fair dismissal.

    I'd say it depends on your attitude to risk. The most they would get if they take it to ET is a weeks pay but its the negative PR and morale of those remaining that might come with that. As its 2 people I'd a bit wary to be honest. Are there others in the business doing the same/very similar role but just based in a different dept or are their roles quite specific and unique?

    I have followed a 'short' process of consult/dismiss on the same day in the past when its been a single role redundancy, less than 2 years service (only 3 months and would have been up against people with 10-15 years with the company if we pooled others) and definitely no protected characteristics being a factor or perceived factor BUT admittedly that approach was not without its risks such as breach of contract as we didn't follow our own redundancy policy (basically, it was a judgement call as to how the person would handle it, and it was the right call as they were fine and happy with some enhanced PILON).
  • In reply to Samantha:

    *disclaimer - my claim about it being a weeks pay is me suggesting it would take about a week to go through a thorough process so thats what the award would potentially be, not that that amount is whats automatically awarded.
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:


    yes , it would be redundancy,