Who reports to who?

Hi All,

I've had a recent situation whereby I advised my immediate Supervisor of an early departure from Office to attend a meeting.The response I got was to discuss with the Manager and get back to her. I thought the correct channel was to go to her as immediate Supervisor and then she takes it higher, as in to the Manager. Can someone please advise me as to what is suppose to happen here as I feel like I am reporting to two persons.

  • It’s impossible to advise. It will be down entirely to the arrangements in your office. It’s not employment law or “best practice” just what the arrangements are for you.

    Your best bet is to ask your supervisor what the situation is saying you are confused.
  • In reply to Keith:

    Thanks for the prompt response Keith ! I had a chat with the Manager and was advised that the Supervisor is only responsible for the day to day job functions.
    I am suppose to discuss with Manager and then "mention" to the Supervisor. Somehow it stills feels like I am reporting twice. My thought is that if I discuss with the Supervisor she would in turn take it to the Manager. Isn't that the chain of command? Likewise, if I discuss with the Manager she would in turn mention to the Supervisor. Is that wrong?
  • In reply to Kellorna D.L:

    Your manager has told you what to do. I personally would follow that advise.

    It’s odd but not unique.
  • In reply to Keith:

    Definitely will follow the advice as it provided clarity and I know the way forward. Thanks Keith!
  • In reply to Kellorna D.L:

    I take it you don't work for the military? Reporting lines are often like the ones you expected. But you've been given the explanation, so I'd just mention to your line manager that you've had a word and............etc.,

    Rigid reporting lines aren't black and white.
  • In reply to David Perry:

    Thanks David ! Nope I don't work for the military although some days it sure feels like it :-) Was just looking for an HR perspective on how situations like this may be seen. During the conversation with the Manager it was mentioned that there would be a discussion with the Line Manager so I basically left it at that.