HR Book suggestions

Good evening all,

I have just started my Level 3 HR Support Apprenticeship. I am excited, keen and as to be expected...nervous! I would like to broaden my horizons and do some reading in the evenings. Can recommend HR books that they found of benefit during studying for level 3?

Thanks in advance.


  • I don't know about "of benefit during studying", but I recommend "The Peter Principle". It's rather dated, now, having been written in the 1970s, and it's showing its age. But the issue it highlights (it's a work of satire, btw) is still alive and kicking. It's a short and entertaining read, sadly neglected these days.
  • Hi Emma

    It isn't an HR book, but I got a lot from Nudge by H Thaler and R Sunstein. Influencing skills are essential at every level of HR.

    There are two books I refer to again and again at work: Drive by Daniel Pink and First Break All The Rules by Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman. IMO they are essential reading on motivation and engagement.

    For broadening your horizons I'd recommend Leadership and the New Science by Margaret Wheatley. I'm not sure if it is still in print but it is available through Amazon. The author looks at the history of management theory in the light of the scientific theories that prevailed at the time the theories were formulated, the new science of the title being quantum physics. 100 years ago, Taylorism and scientific management was the state of the art. We are now in an era of chaos theory and the uncertainty principle. I found this book fascinating. Some of the concepts of quantum physics are truly mind-boggling.