Recruiting from the EU in the event of No Deal

Hi all, Happy new year! 

Has anyone seen any definitive guidance from the government about what the position will be for recruiting from EU Countries if there is no Brexit deal? I had been working on the assumption that there would be a lengthy transition period where free movement rules would essentially continue as before. It now seems that No Deal is becoming increasingly likely, as it appears that there has been no movement from either side on the Withdrawal Agreement. Will I be able to recruit from the EU post 30th March if there is No Deal? Will EU applicants need to apply for a visa/work permit and be treated the same as other 3rd country citizens?

  • Please, everybody, a little empathy, understanding, and acceptance.

    We had, we have, and hopefully will always have a wonderful country - for all it's quirks. I don't want to live anywhere else, I love it.

    I'm not loving the current nastiness though. I know I sound like a primary school teacher chastising two of her charges, but honestly folks, accept that someone else might have a different opinion and celebrate the fact we, as a country, hold the right to free speech probably above anything else.

    The anger, hatred, and intolerance in our country - on both sides - is something I've not seen since the nationalist/loyalists terrors in Ireland or the Thatcher/unions strugles. It's time to stop.

    Personally, and weighing up everything that's going on, I think the best thing that could be done now would be another referendum for two main reasons:

    1) The vote was decided on a 4% margin. For a decision of this magnitude that is nowhere near enough. In business, you are highly unlikely to change a major status-quo on such a small percentage.
    2) Imagine you were to see a house and you decided you wanted it. Then, the surveyors report came back saying x, y, z, problems - the house is now not what you originally thought it was, what you signed up to buy. You don't have to carry on with the purchase, you could if you want or you could withdraw, but it is now a more informed choice.

    Whatever the outcome in March, we still have to live together. I would rather this be a present experience than with hatred.
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    15 Jan, 2019 13:50

    In reply to Teresa:

    I'm going to have the last word on this one: this thread is now closed.