Time off in Lieu help


One of our employees is on a part-time contract 22.5 hours per week - 5 days and may need to cover more hours on certain occasions when one of our other employees has surgery.

Normally we would consider this as "time off in lieu" and pay her for the additional hours she works however we do not have a "time off in lieu" policy and do not allow this with any of our other employees. There is nothing in her contract in relation to extra hours and there is no information in our current handbook/policies.

Her case is an exception and one-off, is there any risk in proceeding with this arrangement and should there be anything in writing between the employer and the employee? The intention is to pay her "additional pay" when these extra hours are worked.

Some guidance would be greatly appreciated!

  • Hi Jenny

    I'm a little bit confused. When your employee works these extra hours are you going to allow her time off in lieu or pay her for the hours or both? I'd say that paying for the hours and allowing her to take the time off as well is fairly generous. I'd err towards paying her rather than allowing the time off as otherwise you might find it difficult to cover her time off.

    Kind regards

  • Its not TOIL if you are paying it - TOIL would mean you allow her to take the time off during her 22.5

    I think its just a straightforward overtime payment at flat rate. Its pretty common to do this and there is no real need to have a policy. Arguably if others work lots of additional hours they may want the same but that's your call at this stage.

    There's no harm in dropping her a short letter thanking her for helping out and saying the basis of the arrangement and how long its likely to go on for.
  • In reply to Jacqueline:

    Sorry, yes I confused myself - she will be paid for the extra hours and therefore as Keith mentioned it will be a straight forward overtime payment. Thanks!
  • In reply to Keith:

    Thank you very much Keith! Much appreciated.