Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) training in driver's own time

We employ 5 drivers who need CPC training. The company has agreed to pay for the training but has said they are to attend the training in their own time ad will not be paid for attending. Is this right or should we be paying them overtime to attend? Thanks

  • If the training is a requirement for the job then you should really pay for the time to do it

    But its not 100% clear cut
  • If I was attending something you required me to do I'd expect to get paid.
  • The thing is it is the drivers responsibility to get their CPC and pay for it themselves. The MD is saying as he is paying for the training for them they are to do it in their own time and is saying he shouldn’t ya e to pay them
  • In reply to Claire:

    Yes as I said it’s not clear cut.

    There are nuances in this one.
  • Hi there Claire. I just wondered whether you had managed to get any clarification on this? The same issue has arisen for us. As you say, it is the driver's responsibility to ensure they have their CPC, otherwise they can no longer drive professionally (I see this as the same as a nurse ensuring they have an up to date NMC professional registration). Historically we have paid drivers to attend CPC training that we have run. However it does have an impact on drivers' hours if the time is paid, which is not helpful. We are considering paying for the course (and lunch) but saying that they will be attending in their own time. The alternative is that they would need to fund the training themselves, and still attend it in their own time.

    On the other hand, it feels a bit mean making them come in on a non-working day to attend training without paying them for it...
  • In reply to Mary:

    Hi Mary, I didn’t manage to get a definitive answer on this. Luckily all the drivers are happy to do it in their own time as they are just happy that the company srdnoayinh fof the training. I’m still really unsure where we stand though. Could seem to get to anyone who could tell me exactly where we stand. Sorry that’s not much help to you