Hi there,

I work for a small business (30 employees) and we are looking for an HRIS.

Some of the threads on here are a bit dated.  Has anyone got any suggestions please.

I have contacted People HR, Breathe, Cascade and Peninsula - does anyone have experience of any of these?

I've also seen HR tookit advertised - any good?  So many providers out there so it would be really helpful to get some help!

Thank you


  • Hi Lucy

    I am on the same journey at the moment. So far, I have downloaded free trials for People HR and MyHR Toolkit and will not go into further with the latter. I found the process of adding employees extremely long and convoluted, completely failed to make one of my fictitious employees part-time (I could not work out their on-line instructions) and did not like the visuals. I gave up after an hour, feeling rather frustrated.

    In contrast, I think People HR is really good on all those fronts and am gutted that the access rights don't work for me (I absolutely must be able to delegate adding employees to non-admin users of the system and this is not possible with People and Breathe, where adding employees is exclusively an HR / administrator function).

    For my purposes, I will now trial Iris and Simply Personnel purely because it appears that they offer the ability to tailor the access rights to my requirements.

    Bamboo was also recommended to me but it is American-based and I am not sure how that works with future GDPR compliance....
  • Hi Lucy

    I can only comment on our current HRIS which is called Resourcelink by Northgate. I would recommend steering clear of this system at all costs.

  • I'd echo caution over Resourcelink, although it's probably not a platform a small organization would want to use anyway.

    Why are you looking for an HRIS at all? With only 30 people, can you not manage most HR information tasks with an off-the-shelf database, like MS Access? What efficiencies are you hoping that an HRIS will provide, and what savings? After all, you're likely to end up paying between £2000 and £5000 per annum for a full-spectrum HRIS for a population of this size, so you should make sure there's a sound business case for it.
  • I used Cascade at my previous company which grew from 70 to 600 while I was there. It scaled well and we had few issues - save a few performance challeneges once we got beyond 500.

    When I moved on to my current position (a Tech Startup - was 30 when I joined - now 120) I had no hesitation in going back to Cascade.

    It's not the prettiest interface but the solution is extremely flexible, and I'd recommend it.

  • In reply to Anka:

    Hi Lucy,

    I implemented PeopleHR 18 months ago, and it is possible to allow non-admin users access to load new starters. I needed to tier access to the senior manager records (and my own) as I didn't want my HR Administrator to have access to them. Consequently I have just edited her access rights, which includes full access to all elements of the system for the majority of people across the business, bar about 6 Group senior employees - including adding new starters and the leaver wizard. I've also delegated this to an Exec Assistant in one of our companies, so definitely possible.

    Don't let this deter you from PeopleHR - it's a great system! If you need more information, please just message me directly.
  • Hi Lucy,

    I'd definitely recommend PeopleHR, it's very intuitive and easy to use - and easy for everyone to self serve.

    I introduced it to replace a paper-based system, although for more employees than you have (120).

    Also very cost effective, I think we pay about £25-30 per head per annum.
  • In reply to Nicola Coull:

    Hi Nicola

    I am actually not at all sure how to message you directly. I may have either accidentally flagged your post as spam or requested friendship (twice)....

    I would be very interested to find out more as I really liked what I have seen of People HR so far - hopefully the friendship request thing works? If not, do let me know and I'll try to figure it out.

    Kind regards.

  • In reply to Nicola Coull:

    Thanks for this Nicola - I had a demo with them yesterday it seems great. What's their ongoing support like? Were they helpful through the implementation stage?
  • Thanks for all your help/suggestions, much appreciated!
  • In reply to Lucy Alexandra:

    Hi Lucy,

    Really helpful throughout the implementation, and have been great since. Good response to any issues that arise or just if there is something about the system you can't quite work out.

    Been very impressed with them overall, and also get really good feedback from people across the business.
  • In reply to Nicola Coull:

    Hi Nicola, are you still liking PeopleHR? We are currently considering them and just wondering if your experience is still a positive one. Thanks for your help, Lisa.
  • In reply to Lisa Hennings:

    Hi Lisa,
    Yes, we are still happy with PeopleHR. There are some elements of it that I find excellent and other modules that I have decided against using. But, overall, it is a good, cost effective system which is very user friendly, and I found very easy to roll out.
    I'm more than happy to talk to you in more detail about it, if you would find that beneficial.
    Kind regards,