Working time directive for contractors


We have some contractors on site from Germany installing some new manufacturing equipment. They are working 55 hours per week which is obviously in excess of the Working time regulations. Are we obliged to ask them to work to the directive or are they able to continue working according to their own country regulations?

I know we don't employe them but we have asked them to do work for us so wasn't sure whether we have any obligations?



  • I'm quite happy to be contradicted but I'd guess whilst in this country they comply with our rules & laws. I don't think you can pick and choose. I also think that you can opt out of some of the rules if you wish - otherwise overtime and shift work wouldn't happen.
  • In reply to David Perry:

    Hi Emma,
    The WTD call for a maximum of 48hrs per week averaged over a four month period under European legislation. In your shoes I would be seeking a gurantee from the contractor that they will ensure that this limit is respected and indemnifying you if your company were prosecuted should the limit not be respected.....
    In practical terms it's likely to be a theoretical question if the installation project is a matter of weeks.