Absence management system


We are a small size organisation (Approximately 500). Currently, we use excel sheets to manage absences but are looking to buy a Global absence management software. Can anyone help with some recommendations? Also, how would you typically go about looking for one?



  • Hi Shweta

    Do you have an HRIS and is there a bolt-on module tht would go with it? I'd also find out what system your Finance department uses and whether that has an absence management module - it's always an advantage to have systems that will talk to each other!
  • In reply to Elizabeth Divver:

    Hi Elizabeth,

    Thankyou for your reply.

    We do have an HRIS system in place but looks like the system is not compatible with Absence Management which is weird. I think our finance team uses the same system that we use for HRIS but will check. Thankyou for the advice :).
  • In reply to Shweta Thorat:

    I use e-days which whilst we're smaller than you, is capable of managing thigns much more complex that we throw at it! Our team took to it really easily which was a bonus so from the user experience it's well designed. I've found the support end very responsive.
  • In reply to Joanne O'Hagan:

    Thankyou Joanne :)
  • In reply to Joanne O'Hagan:

    Thanks for this suggestion Joanne - I was following the thread (thanks Shweta) as we're looking at introducing something like this. Really we need a full HRIS, but this might be a good first step while the bigger project is deliberated on ... E-days looks like it might be a good solution.
  • Hello Shweta

    My previous company introduced Breathehr, its a cheap workforce system that records absences really well.

    Sarah Hamilton-Gill is the MD of Breathehr and will support.

  • In reply to Nina Waters:

    Hi Nina
    Mention me to them if you dig into it - they have a referral scheme! We're a charity so also looking at BreatheHR as they offer their system free to charities. That's probably the only way I'm going to get a full HRIS anytime soon!

    Joanne (Marine Conservation Society)