Studying Level 5 - advice on assignments

Hi All

After some advice please.

I have just received my first assignment and I am a little worried, it tells me my assignment but at the side it says criteria 1.1,1.2,2.1,2.2,2.3 etc.. how do i know what the criteria is? Should i have this information so I know what to include like explain 2, add picture etc?

I feel like I have been set up to fail.

Please can you advise as to whether I should have this information.


  • Hi Natasha,

    First of all, congrats on starting your level 5! I would say first port of call is your tutor. You should have had the assignment structure explained to you so its clear what you have to do, if you aren't sure then it perfectly ok to ask for clarification.

    There should be supporting guidance that explains what each question relates to - the 1.1 etc refers to each learning outcome the question is asking you to answer against.

    Good luck with it all and honestly - push back to your tutor, thats what they are there for.
  • In reply to Lauren:

    Hi Lauren
    Thank you for your email.
    I have spoken to the tutor and he said no we were not allowed the criteria as that would be giving us the answer, I knew I was right as I had just completed level 3.
    I will speak to the tutor again and if he does agree then I will go above him.
    Thank you for your help
