To share or not to share?

Hello my CIPD Community members,

I need some feedback on a recent occurrence. My department was asked to do a Presentation and my boss threw it at me. I decided to do a Power Point presentation to make it engaging, which I was highly commended for.

I am now being asked to put my hard work on a shared drive so others can have access to it.

I feel like this is my work, my pride and joy, my pet and I don't really want to since I don't believe others will do it justice.

Any advice here?

  • Hi Kellorna

    This is a massive compliment! If you were at a job interview or drafting a CV, would you rather tell people that you did a presentation, or that you did a presentation that was adopted company-wide?

    Also, as a point of accuracy, if this is a task you were asked to do as part of your job, it is your employer that owns it.
  • In reply to Elizabeth Divver:

    Thank you Elizabeth! I appreciate that thinking!
  • Agree entirely with Elizabeth.

    Whilst you are the author and rightly have been recognised for this , the presentation is not yours to do with as you wish but your employers both legally and  Morally. If you built cars and made a fantastic one you could no more say you didn’t want employer to sell it as it was yours.

    Take it as a compliment. Do sone fantastic speaker notes to add to the presentation. Offer to coach people who will use it.

    But accept that it’s not yours

  • In reply to Keith:

    Thanks Keith! After Elizabeth's response I was sold!
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    11 Sep, 2018 09:30

    In reply to Kellorna D.L:

    I agree with Elizabeth and Keith. In fact, the more you share it and talk about it... the more people will associate it with you and as your work. If you haven't already, I think you should add your name to the first slide... and maybe the last one... with the ways colleagues may contact you.