Internal vacancy advertising for 1 week - is this discriminatory?

Our policy is to advertise vacancies internally for one week, then externally is required. A concern has been raised that an employee who is a carer of a person/persons with protected characteristics under the Equality Act, and on the presumption job applications are expected to be worked on in one’s own time, whether seven days a reasonable period to consider and properly prepare an application when compared with other potential applicants who may not have the same level of caring responsibilities.


Any thoughts or advice would be gratefully received.

  • Hi Erin and welcome to the forum.
    To be honest, the time to consider and prepare an internal application can probably be measured in hours - on that basis, I would expect a carer to be able to set aside 2-3 hours over a period of 168 hours (7 days) to be able to do this. Lunch breaks present an opportunity to do this....