
Hi all!

I am looking for bench-marking information on pay and benefits inc number of days annual leave entitlement. We are an IT service provider and are fairly small (25 employees). I need to provide a report to management to include this information to use to review our current benefits package and to support annual salary review.

We have a standard subscription with Xpert HR and I understand that their is a bench-marking bolt on (although this is quite expensive considering the amount we already pay for this) and i wondering if any one knows of anywhere else i can find this information (industry and SME specific) that is reliable and low cost? 

Thanks a lot in advance!


  • Hi Beckie and welcome!

    You can of course scour job vacancy sites and compile your own survey.

    Do you network to any extent or even contact now and again your counterparts in other, similar firms in your industry? - it might be possible to prepare a
    an industry / sector questionnaire that you;d correlate and circulate the results - anonymised - to all participants. It could be beneficial to all involved, even if they are your competitors. A lot of work maybe but it won't cost any more than your time.

    Best to look at a professional survey first to see what's analysed.

    It would maybe make a great project for a student or intern who has studied advanced statistics.

  • In reply to David:

    Hi David,

    Thank you and thank you for the message!

    I have previously used job vacancy sites to find out information, which works fine but can be quite time consuming and i cannot always find enough information.

    We do not really network with similar firms in our industry to be honest. This would definitely be beneficial for us, though finding the time to do this may be tricky.

    I will have a look to see if I can find any existing survey too.

    Thanks again for the guidance!

  • In reply to Rebecca:

    You're most welcome, Beckie!

    And as regards possibly using extra help to undertake this as a project, this organisation might be able readily to provide it:

  • In reply to David:

    Ah fab that's useful thank you David!