What else could the CIPD do for members?

“Hello, CIPD. Welcome. Please take a seat.

OK, this is your annual performance review and I have to say that so far we’re very pleased with your performance. There was that little incident with a number of spam messages selling pharmaceuticals, which took a little while to sort, but overall, yes, we’re pleased. You have facilitated a very successful programme of ’chat rooms’, provided access to the latest ideas and methods, and overseen a huge repository of searchable knowledge. Yes, you’re certainly able to go above and beyond what’s expected of you.

Now, going forward, development targets for you for next year.....”

What developmental targets would you give the CIPD?

For me, I would very much like to see some way to PM (private message) people in the discussion forums. For example, your organisation may have something that is exactly what someone else is looking for. You are happy to help that single person, but you don’t want it made public knowledge. Currently, how can you help?