Ex staff member trying to poach staff

Hi everyone,

I'd really like any advice on a situation we currently have. A staff member resigned earlier this year and has started turning up at our premises (well, talking through the fence so not technically on our grounds) and talking to some of our staff trying to poach them to go and work with him in his new company. 

Is there anything we can do about this? There's nothing in his contract that stops him talking to people, he's not breaking any laws that I am aware of, but its really annoying! 

One of the senior managers here wants to write to his new employer and tell them he is being unprofessional but I'm not sure that wont make things worse. 

Any suggestions would be gratefully received! 



  • I'm not sure if there is anything that can be done if there are no covenants covering these actions.

    Stripping it back, its just an ex colleague speaking to ex work colleagues about opportunities. Is it that unprofessional? I can't see what writing to their existing employer will achieve to be honest apart from 10 minutes of self satisfaction for the Senior Manager.

    Surely if the existing workers are happy, they will tell this person to do one anyway. If they do appear to be taking an interest in what hes got to offer, I think I'd be more inclined to find out why, rather than run and tell Mum!
  • In reply to Samantha:

    Thanks Samantha, yeah, I completely agree.