I am relatively new in HR and need advise

Dear All,

I am relatively new TO HR.

I have been in Business for close to 10years and recently decided to pursue career in HR.

Currently with recruitment team.

What advise will you give me in this new career?

Thankyou for sharing.

  • Hi

    Its difficult to give general advice as I am not sure what you are looking for....

    As with any career its important to understand what the business actually wants (and with HR its not always clear cut) and try an deliver it. HR often forgets that it has to deliver great customer service and delivery.

    I think coming from a background in business you have a head start. But never stop learning about your business and seeing what the real business challenges are rather than the hobby horses that we in HR like to fixate on.

    Finally in terms of general advice I would say keep it simple - better to deliver three things that stick well and survive and change the business rather than scatter gun lots of initiatives that look great but never really do much.

    Good luck