Your advise needed on how to pay an employee for work which is not included in his existing role


We have an employee who has a 40 hours a week position, doing shift work, in one department in our organisation.

He is a very good photograph, and as part of our inductions process, we would like him to take the pictures of our new starters. 

These hours, 50 hours or so a year, divided into 3 or 4 instances a year, would be paid by another department in the organisation,

It is not possible for him to take these induction pictures during his working hours in his existing role in his department.

His is happy to come and take the pictures during his free time, however, he is reluctant to set himself up as a sole trader so he could invoice the other department.

We thought we could perhaps pay him, from the budget of the other department, through an exceptional bonus, however, this would not be a viable option in the long run.

Have you ever been in a similar situation? How did you solve this payment issue?

Thank you very much,

  • Hallo Patricia and welcome

    Can’t really understand what’s not feasible about simply supplementing his normal pay and then if needs be doing an internal reallocation of the cost

    In most organisations it would hardly disrupt their finances nor be worth a lot of beancounting effort for probably just a piffling sum: if their budget holder objects then someone in charge might just overrule them for the greater good
  • In reply to David:

    Agree this is simply overtime. Agree an overtime rate , pay it through the payroll and then get your finance bods to transfer the funds. It happens hundreds of times a day....