Login conflict with main CIPD site

Hi Steve,

I'm not sure if anyone else has had this problem...

I usually stay logged in to the discussion forum as I pop in a few times a day when I have time and I like that the system does remember me and I don't have to log in each time.

Today I went to the main CIPD site to look for something and it asked me to log in to get to the information that I wanted which is fine.  I found what I needed and then wanted to go back to the discussion forums to look for a related discussion.

When I went back to the discussion forum I was logged out and it had the message to log back in again which I tried and it didn't work.  I tried a few times, closed the browser, made sure I had logged out of the main CIPD page etc and tried again and it didn't work.  I rebooted my PC and tried again and it didn't do it.  Eventually I followed a link back to the CIPD site and logged in there and then linked back from there to the discussion forums and it would let me log in here.

This isn't the first time this has happened - I thought previously it was a glitch.

It seems that as soon as I log into the main site I cannot get back into the discussion forums without rebooting and going backwards and forwards.

I may be doing something stupid but thought it worth raising in case this was a common issue.

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    6 Feb, 2018 15:32

    Hi Jeny Parsons - no, you're not the first. I receive 5-10 such queries every month. It is difficult to replicate each individual combination of OS, browser, etc... and out of many thousands of visits...

    Anyway... that doesn't help you and I can see you have gone to great effort of try to sort it out from your side. I usually point people in this direction, where the advice is to:

    * Clear the 'cache' and cookies on your web browser. This should delete the remains of the 'old' sign on solution on your computer.

    * Try navigating to the CIPD homepage using a different browser (or Chrome in 'Incognito' mode instead of normal Chrome) to test.

    It does usually work... but I appreciate that it's a bit of a pain. 


  • I'm one of those getting the same problem as you on numerous occasions. I only have access to IE and Mozilla and only way managed to resolve it was by clearing Cache and Cookies as per CIPD advice (your advice - Steve?)
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    14 Feb, 2018 11:02

    In reply to Clare:

    That's the advice I've pulled together after consulting with people-in-the-know here at HQ :)
  • In reply to Clare:

    I still get this as a regular problem though, especially just now! I've cleared the Cache/cookies a number of times, open and closed the IE browser and even restarted my laptop to finally get it to work!