Leave Year Change

Good Morning

My company is looking at changing their leave year from 1 April - 31 March to 1 January - 31 December can you just do this with notice or do you need to go through a consultation period?  Please can you let me have your advice on how you may have done this in the past.

Many thanks.


  • Hi, We are currently in the process of doing this. We are going to pro-rata the leave of the original holiday year to the new holiday entitelement year - so in your case from 1 April - 31 December 2018 and start afresh in 2019 with the full entitlement (without the need to pro-rata). As the actual entitlement is not changing for a staff member then I do not believe that consultation is required, it's simply an administrative task and change of process for us, the employees remain unaffected. The change will be announced in writing along with the employees new holiday card for the coming entitlement period. Thanks, Alice
  • In reply to Alice Hebdon-Rigby:

    Just a word of warning - if people tend to choose to take less holiday in the period Jan - March but take it in the period April - Dec instead, they may feel as if they don't have enough for their needs during that part year in 2018. People don't usually take their leave evenly throughout the year. For example I tend to take almost all of mine in the Easter and summer holidays and at the end of December for Christmas because I have a child and like to take the majority of my holidays within school holidays. I don't take very much at all Jan - March.

    I would recommend being open to individual requests to 'borrow' a small amount of entitlement back from the 2019 Jan - Dec year if people have strong reasons for needing a little more during the transition period.