Search Function

Is there any way to search in a more detailed fashion similar to how you can with an internet search engine?

For example if I am looking for any previous posts and replies about a person returning to work following treatment for cancer. If I type 'return to work cancer' into the search facility as now I get a large number of quite non specific results.

What I would like to do is search "return to work" + "cancer" to bring up only specific results but I don't think the community site allows for this.

Does anyone have any suggestions for searching more specifically otherwise I find myself writing new posts for things which I am sure will have been covered before. 

TIA Emma :-)

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    7 Feb, 2018 11:08

    Hi Emma,

    We (re)launched the Community in November 2015 with a much more powerful search engine. You do get slightly different results if you tweak the terms you use.

    If I search for "return to work" + "cancer" I get 25 results returned...

    ... which is far fewer than a search for "return to work cancer"...

    I also searched for "cancer at work" and got a slightly different result.

    A non-member will of course see something like "23 results displayed out of 1,918".

    You can tweak the results using the filter on the right.

    You're doing the right thing... but if you cannot find any recent thread you think is relevant... please start a new discussion.