Old Thread Alert?

Mainly for Steve Bridger:

Other forums I use (not for HR stuff) have a feature that warns someone posting a reply if the previous reply was more than X months ago.  Is this something this forum might benefit from?  People often search for topics and then reply on threads that can be as much as five years old.


  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    16 Jan, 2018 16:17

    Hi Robey,

    * When we launched the new community platform in Nov 2015, we archived everything before 1 Jan 2013... apart from about 100 threads we (subjectively) felt deserved retaining. Of course... that now means there are some threads about 5 years old.

    * I do feel the 'date stamp' on threads is fairly prominent... but totally understand that it is easily missed and not the first thing people are looking for.

    * Having said that... it isn't *that* common for old threads to be resurrected - and there is a balance as I encourage people to search for an existing (relevant) thread before posting.

    * The example earlier today turned out to be rewarding as the Original Poster was prompted to return and then reflected on how far the culture of the company had evolved ('better working lives', etc.)

    * I can manually disable replying on threads but we'd need to write a script to make that happen automatically after X years.

    * I'll ask our developer about how we might be able to add some sort of 'marker'.

    Thanks, Robey.
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    The example I saw elsewhere (and if I can find it, I'll send you a link via PM) had a script that launched a pop-up if you replied to an old thread that said:

    "Necromancy warning: No one has replied to this thread for six months. Did you mean to post on this thread?'

    or words to that effect.
  • In reply to Robey:

    I've noticed a spate of old threads being revived. My impression is that I am seeing a lot of new names posting (which is great) and it is the newer contributors who are looking through our older threads and posting on them.