Salary increases

Hi all,

Our annual pay review is due in March and when we were owned by our previous company the dicsion on increases was made by our central Cmp and Ben department. However, we have been bought by a smaller company and the decision on how to conduct the pay review process will now be decided by our site manager and myself.

We have been asked to put together a business proposal regarding the amount we would like to award overall and then we are to decide on how to distribute this pot of money between employees. Again, previously we had a PDR rating scale and i think we will use something similar again this year.

I would appreciate some advice on where to gather data for a manufacturing industry in order to create our business proposal. I have been looking at RPI and CPI but would really like something specific to our industry.



  • Hi Emma

    Suggest you might be better with something very specific to your own organisation's particular circumstances.

    It's usually a balancing act between ability to pay and CPI / the going rate and the aspirations of the workforce and the possible consequences of not meeting them.

    And it's usually imperative very fully to consult and explain the rationale for whatever you decide, In this regard, much depends on how much of that the workforce believes to be true and the extent to which they're willing to go along with eg lower increases than they'd like in return for better job security and / or better times in the future.
  • Hi Emma

    Try the CIPD Library & Information Service for benchmarking data. You might also find useful information from local bodies such as the Chamber of Commerce or local employer's associations.