Steve takes the stage!


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CIPD Staff

1 Dec, 2017 08:29

Thought I'd share this with you all! Yesterday Steve Bridger and I attended a conference (actually a community software conf) and he spoke about this fantastic CIPD Community, sharing a bit of our collective history, highlights and context. Steve had lots of questions from other community managers and businesses asking what makes a successful community and how to keep people engaged, participating and coming back regularly. We've had questions from accountants, medics, management consultancies - you name it!


Steve really brought this community to life for others to appreciate and did a great job setting the scene. Thanks again everyone for being part of such an active, useful and most of all, supportive, online community which really highlights the breadth of topics and challenges our profession tackles every day! It may surprise you to know this community has been going strong since 2004! Long may it continue :)

  • Well done, Steve! And thanks to all our communities contributors who make this what it is. I've been a part of this almost since day 1 and it really, truly does feel like a community.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    1 Dec, 2017 10:04

    Thanks, Johanna. Mutual.

    There is a tangible sense of community here. It's not perfect (what is?), but yes... something to cherish. Must always move forward though... which is not always elegant, but I do want everyone to know that we care.