Mentoring for elder peer

Hello All,

I need your advise: my managers has assigned me as Mentor to my new colleague.  

She is smart and experience enough, so I kindly looking to get your ideas on how i can keep you involved and interest being mentoring by some one younger and less experienced,

Thank you, 


  • Hi Aynur

    If this person is new to your company, although certain practices may be similar, processes within organisations can differ quite significantly so any information you can impart to your new colleague will no doubt be beneficial at this early stage.

    Do you have a plan, an overview of what areas you will cover with her? Perhaps you can discuss this with her and then it will probably become clear soon as to what she is familiar with and what may need guidance on.

    As you are going through different things with her, I would encourage her to say where she feels she needs further information and support and take it from there.
  • In reply to Cass Clothier:

    Hello Cass, thank you so much for your feedback!
    I'll have a first meeting with her this week to determine her needs and expectations.