Master thesis - "Z Generation" Survey

Dear all, 

I am a "Human Resources" student at SNSPA, Romania and I am writing my Master's thesis about the Z Generation – work engagement and motivation
As part of my research project I've launched a survey to assess how the workforce looks like through the youngest generation's eyes.
The goal is to have an overview about the motivating factors of the Z Generation (population born after 1996): 


The survey is anonymous and the target-public is the one born between 1996 and 2000, nevertheless everyone is welcomed to fill it in, as for the purpose of this project I will separate the answers and make comparisons between the generations’ preferences.

Thank you very much for your support, 

With regards,

Enuţa Boboc

  • Hi, Enuta! I like this topic for the thesis and I was very interested to know what you got in the end, whether you got a good grade or not, since several years have passed since you wrote this post.