Log-in Issues

I've always found that the cookies that are supposed to keep me logged in, don't.  I have to log in anew on every visit.

However, recently it's got worse.  Now, when I click on the log-in icon, it takes me to the CIPD homepage where it shows me already logged in, but when I try to go back to the community pages, I end up in a loop that keeps taking me back to the homepage.  To fix it, I have to log out from the homepage, then go back to the community page, then go to the log in page.

This has affected me on my home PC and at work.  At home, I use Edge.  At work I use Chrome.

  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    No, Steve, sorry. Just back to the position of having to log in every time I visit, which is situation normal.
  • In reply to Robey:

    I am still intermittently getting thrown to the main site when I try to sign in to the communities. The main site recognises me but I now just go away and come back later as I can't find a way to break out of the loop when it happens.

    I, too, find it takes a very long time to log on whether at work using Google Chrome or at home using Safari (yes, yes, I know, but I'm used to it) on an iPad - when I say a very long time, I mean I have time to go and make a cup of tea. There isn't a single other site I use that takes so excruciatingly long. It also takes ages if I come out of a thread by clicking on Discussion Forums at the top of the page. Using the back arrow is much quicker.

  • On my Mac, it remembers me each time I open the page, which I think is down to Safari, the Mac browser, but Like Elizabeth I could go make a cup 'o tea before it springs into life.

    But on my Ipad I get taken around the houses. It opens and I'm logged on, but that is on the main site. When I go to cipd2, to the forums it says I'm not logged on, so I log on, and it then takes me back to the main site, where I'm logged on, so I go to cipd2, and log on..........................etc., etc., Sometimes however, by pressing numerous links at random or in such a sequence as I could never remember I do manage to complete the process and look at the discussions whilst logged in.
  • In reply to David Perry:

    Opening up the forums is rather like ye olden days of dial up and trying to look at a picture. It still baffles me when I open up the main site, I am logged in but the forum section still requires me to manually log in. Not had to do such strange things for over a decade.
    Occasionally, I still get sent to the main site after logging in but it is just every now and then
  • In reply to Steven :

    I got sent to the main page this morning after logging in so had to log out, use the link on the main page for the communities and then log in once i reached the communities home page. It also takes forever to log me in
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    12 May, 2017 11:11

    In reply to Emma:

    Very sorry about the problems. Thank you all for persevering. We are having a conversation abut what we need to do to fix this once-and-for-all.
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Hi, I thought it was just me as I am not at all technically minded! I'm using Internet Explorer from office PC and I either get hung up for ages, or get a message saying "had to close unexpectedly" or "stopped responding" - whether I use the back button, or refresh the page. Now I find I can't even click onto the 2nd page of anything (except this page!) without the screen freezing completely. When I do get in, it takes 5 mins or more to go from one conversation to the next. It seems okay-ish on my tablet, but slow.
  • 39 seconds from clicking on "Log In" to getting into the site. Not long enough to make a cup of tea, but a very long time to look at that little symbol rotating.
  • In reply to Elizabeth Divver:

    Pleasant surprise just now - clicked through pages and links without any trouble/delay. I have probably just jinxed myself!
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    17 May, 2017 15:55

    In reply to Helen:

    Hi Helen... were you already logged in to the CIPD website? Did you click through from a link in the weekly newsletter? Sorry to ask... I'm capturing some of these scenarios.
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Hi Steve, as I have said before I am not very technically competent, so I'm not entirely sure what I have done but - I opened a new tab on IE and CIPD Community comes up as "very active" (!) so I clicked on that, it went to the log-in page and I put my password in. It tends to take me straight through to the Employment Law page of the Discussion Forum but I found it easy to go back to other discussions (like this one).
    Does that make any sense at all?
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Same problem for me too!!