2017 CIPD Annual Conference - Forum Fans Meet-up?


It looks like I might have wangled my way into the Conference this year - usually it's beyond my means - and I wondered whether any other regular forumites were going to be there.

An informal meet-up would be excellent and a chance to judge each other's forum avatars against reality (!).  But if there's enough interest, perhaps Steve Bridger might facilitate an organized gathering?

  • Hi Robey

    I might make it to the free part, but unfortunately don't think I can justify a ticket :(

    Would be happy to meet up.

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    29 Sep, 2017 16:51

    Hi Robey - we've certainly done something like this before, but neither Johanna nor I will be going this year (I don't think).
  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    29 Sep, 2017 16:58

    In reply to Steve Bridger:

    I am up there tweeting but have a really full schedule and will be doing a lot of dashing about (!) however if anyone is passing the press office please drop by and leave any messages for me and I will try to catch up!
  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    29 Sep, 2017 17:07

    Fancy doing a '#Robeyontour' synopsis to share with the community for those who can't make it?! Maybe highlights of what you saw etc? No pressure!
  • In reply to Johanna:

    My MD is back on Monday and I need his blessing before I can definitely say I'm coming. And I need to get my press credentials approved, of course, but if hashtagging my experience back to the forum is the price I have to pay...!
  • I will be there. First chance I've had for many years to do the conference. I'm up for the opportunity to meet other regular forumites (and any lurkers too of course).