Sending a private message

Dear All

I am not social media savvy, so I am a bit stuck.  I have been trying to send someone a private message, having first accepted a friendship request from that person.  I get a pop up asking me to "send a private message" and when I click on that, I end up on the "Community Home" page.  If anyone can shed light on what I'm doing wrong I'd be very grateful!


  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    25 Jul, 2017 08:58

    Hi Anka,

    There is some basic guidance here in the 'Help' section.

    You also need to ensure that the Enable email contact box is ticked in your Settings.

    Sorry it isn't more straightforward. Might be something we should look at improving.

  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Thanks, Steve! The help section only seemed to mention receiving messages, rather than sending them but it all seems to be sorted now and I've managed to do what I wanted to do!