Looking for recommendations for Reading materials LEVEL 5 HRM course


I am looking for recommendations for any materials to aid me through the course, there is so much information out there, I feel that I am researching (very time consuming) but not actually absorbing.

Materials of any form will be appreciated; books, journals, videos, podcasts etc

The course contains the following modules:

Developing professional Practice (DVP)

Business issues and the context of HR (CHR)

Using information in HR (UIN)

Resourcing and Talent Planning (RST)

Reward management (RMT)

Contemporary development in employee relations (DER)

Managing and Coordinating the HR Function (HRF)

Employment Law (EML)

Kind regards


  • Hi Bev,
    I recently posted something similar with no luck of a reply! I don't suppose you have come across or been given advise as to any suitable reading material for Level 5?
  • In reply to Lauren Gibbons:

    Hi Laura,

    Disappointingly I have not had one response and still seeking,
    Our facilitator recommended, Research methods for business students by Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, I did find it useful
  • In reply to Beverley:

    Hi Beverley. Well done on starting your Level 5. I've just finished mine. I used: Managing People & Organisations by Taylor & Woodhams, Studying HR Management by T&W again, and HR Management at Work by Marchington & Wilkinson. For each essay, I was advised to use a minimum of 2 books along with online factsheets, articles, reports etc. Also found that if you google the topic you're researching, you can read quite lengthy excerpts of books, along with their full titles, so I used these in my Bibliography too. Hope that helps. I'd actually happily pass my books on if you're interested.