Can we promote on a trial basis?

Hi I have a query, please bear with me it is has several parts, thank you in advance.

1.  We have 2 ladies who have recently passed a new qualification and have started taking on the duties of our Senior role.  We would like to promote them into the Senior position on as 6month trial.  Should this not work they would revert back to their original post. 

a) what is the best way to do this?

b) what issues do we need to be aware of?  Can we do this?

2. We have a lady who is on a 1year fixed term contract to cover Mat Leave who is already in this Senior Position.  Unfortunately, things are not working so well with this lady and we will look to terminate her contract at the end of the term.  With this in mind can we still promote the above ladies without giving this lady a chance to apply for the position?

3.  If our lady on Mat Leave wants to return part time, do we need to offer her cover a part time position?

We are very aware that the lady on Mat Leave feels like she has not 'gelled' wit the team and their have been some difficulties and wish to avoid any problems as she already feels isolated and alone (which is not the case).

Many thanks


  • 1. Yes its called secondment and is relatively common.

    2.If she is not working out well then why let it carry on? Manage her now and dismiss. Get performance issues on the record at the very least

    3.She is entitled to ask and you cant unreasonably refuse. If you have strong business reasons why you cant allow this role to be worked part time then you can say no but they have to be strong.

    None of this will sort your issue with the lady on maternity leave who feels isolated
  • In reply to Keith:

    Thank you.
    I am sorry, I meant to say that it is the lady covering the mat leave who is feeling isolated not the lady on leave. We would like to help this lady see out her contract and for her to leave at the end of it, hopefully on good terms. What we do not want is to extend her contract in any way, so for her to job share with our lady who is on mat leave when she returns.

    Thank you for your help. Jenine