Advertising on this forum?

I know that direct advertising is not allowed on here (quite rightly) but when I see posts like this

"Often times, the most inspiring stories are those that involve struggle, insurmountable challenges and real people. Like climbing a mountain or breaking a record, we are all inspired by people who relentlessly chase success and refuse to give up. That’s why cutting-edge businesses are turning to the best motivational speakers (link removed) for their expert advice on teambuilding, leadership and business solutions"

This reads like a PR statement and so I pressed the spam button but as nothing has happened so do I assume it is acceptable?

And speaking of PR, what is the protocol for posting 'research' which is glorified advertising.  I appropriate the boundaries can be blurred when a firm publishes its own research mixed with lots of quotes and references to the firm but should we be slightly more discriminating on this forum for allowing this. 

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    26 Apr, 2017 06:54

    Hi Steven ,

    I've returned today after a couple of weeks leave, so while the forums have been in very capable hands, something like this may have slipped through. I'll remove anything I feel is inappropriate as our Community Guidelines remain as strict about this as they have been since 2004 :)
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Thanks Steve
    One thread I was thinking of is this one www2.cipd.co.uk/.../60862 Two posts, two days apart both reading like an advert for the same organisation
  • In reply to Steven :

    From the above link, the post from Benjamin is a direct quote from the speakers home page. The post from anonymous is a direct quote from www.bigspeak.com/best-motivational-speakers. The bottom of this page says the information is subject to copyright and therefore is a breach of copyright and straightforward plagiarism. It is possible two people independently cite one person as a great speaker but I think it might be simply advertising