Complex language and jargon in Factsheets/CIPD text

Sometimes I will read the Factsheets for areas of HR that I'm new to but I find that some text is generally written in a way that's difficult to understand unless you are already familiar with the subject or read it about 10 times. Can the Factsheets be written in a bit more plain English? Sometimes I will go to a site like gov.uk instead of CIPD because I will understand it at a first read. Just because text is written in plain English doesn't mean necessary information has to be left out or the concept can't be explained fully. Maybe the CIPD can use a few tips from http://www.plainenglish.co.uk ? or maybe it's just me.

  • Hi Luis

    Have to say that CIPD Factsheets have always seemed reasonably okay to me in this regard, but it begs the question about what kind of quality assurance / contnuous feedback loop is applied to them by CIPD.
  • Hi Luis

    Its not a problem I have noticed (but that doesn't mean its not a problem)

    Maybe you could point to a couple of examples where you think things could be simpler by way of an example?

    Best regards
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    31 Mar, 2017 11:21

    In reply to Keith:

    "Maybe you could point to a couple of examples where you think things could be simpler by way of an example?"

    Yes, that would be helpful, Luis.

  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    But even if they're all not too bad, IMHO that doesn't help at all necessarily as regards their continuous *improvement* - the aim should surely be to make them excellent and beyond excellent even -and not just adequate .

    In a big organisation it's usual to have some systematic means of ensuring that this happens
  • In reply to David:

    Yes please Luis, it would be great if you could post a couple of examples so we can see what we may be able to amend.

    To reassure you David, Factsheet improvement is a continuous process, and in fact as I type a pilot project that has been underway for some time is about to start putting some changes live over the next few days and weeks. It won't be across all Factsheets until we've monitored what changes receive the best feedback and other data, but you'll notice the differences and improvements gradually coming into some I'm sure.

    In terms of the process we follow, there is a cycle of checks and edits and we also monitor feedback as you rightly expect us to - all of this and more then feed into regular Factsheet review meetings. While we find Factsheets get consistently positive comments from the Membership that's not to say we'll always get it right, and through initiatives such as the pilot project I refer to we are constantly looking at ways to make them even better!

    So I'd ask you to please keep providing valuable feedback, and we can include this in our review meetings too: I'd be particularly interested to hear all your thoughts on some of the changes when you start to see them. Luis, your comment will also be something we'll look into for our next meeting.

    Wishing you all the best

    Steve (HR Content Manager)
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    31 Mar, 2017 16:29

    In reply to Stephen:

    Thanks, Steve.
  • In reply to Stephen:

    That's good to know, thanks, Steve!