Monthly homeworker allowance benchmark

Hi, I am doing some research on the actual monthly allowance that organisations pay staff working from home (heating, lighting, broadband). This is not the one off payment for equipment or office set up. (I am aware that many organisations pay nothing due to savings in travel costs).

If you could share:

-Business sector (e.g. Energy, Third Sector, Financial)

-Monthly home working allowance being paid

-Any comments

Many thanks,


  • Hello Lee, I came across your post as I was looking into the very same area.

    Did you manage to get any benchmark information, or what approach has your organisation decided to go with?

    Many thanks
  • Your employees can claim via their Tax. There has been a previous thread on here about this.
  • In reply to Jules:

    Hi Jules, thanks for your reply. I understand the tax reclaim employees can follow up on but I am looking for any other information on trends of employers paying out an allowance over and above the flat rates.

    Many thanks