Is an MBA useful in HR? I'm 6 years deep into my career and at a crossroads if I'll pursue a postgraduate degree in Psychology which is my passion, or get an MBA that seems to be a default in a corporate career path.

My current career goal is Adam Grant, an organizational psychologist (such a sweet spot between my two passion).


  • I would follow your passion.

    I think MBAs are far less standard now and many organisations have moved away from them. There is an interesting stat I will see if I can find about the very high number of people who leave organisations after getting an MBA.
  • In reply to Keith:

    Hi Keith

    I think you're right, although I can't remember the source of this either. However, it is my understanding that many people use an MBA as a bridge to another career path.

    There is another research finding I came across and it was into the backgrounds of HRDs versus other HR roles. Apparently HRDs are more likely to have experience outside HR than other HR professionals.

    So, @Calum - if you had ever thought of targeting getting a job as an HRD, a general management qualification might perhaps be more helpful than Psychology. But would you always regret not following your passion???
  • In reply to Calumscott:

    I am confused as to why you posted the same question again. But didn’t reply to either of the two comments.
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    27 Aug, 2019 11:54

    In reply to Keith:

    Me too. Deleted the duplicate... but keen to hear back from Calum.
  • It was completing a MBA (studied with the OU) that convinced me to specialise in HR. I’d been in generalist management roles to that point. The MBA gave me a broader and deeper understanding of business and corporate strategy and how to get stuff done. I’d recommend it if that’s what you’re after, but pick your course carefully. It’s a significant investment and quality and content vary. The OU programme was great.
  • Have you investigated if there is a MSc/MA that is a combination of psychology and business in some way - I know it sounds odd but there are some more specific courses available.

    I have just signed myself up for 2 years of MSc in International HR Management, and I can't wait to get started!