Monthly attrition


Could you confirm if this the right calculation to calculate attrition please?

(Leavers that specific month/ average number of employees) *100

Thanks in advance.


  • Hi Valentina
    Yes, globally that looks good to me.

    IMHO, You have two possible variations .

    1. You can count turnover/attrition in terms of "heads" (people), or
    2. You can count in terms of the % of your ressources that have left (counting on an FTE basis).

    You'll probably find it useful to undertake the same calculation each month on an annual basis, unless you are in a business that is massively seasonal..... That will help you to identify any longer term trends....

  • In reply to Ray:

    Thanks Ray.

    How would you calculate the second option?

    i.e. if this months my number of leavers are 3 and my total avg employee is 225.4, my attrition will be 1.1% (and retention 98.9%).
  • In reply to Valentina:

    * sorry avg. 255.4 in the example
  • In reply to Valentina:

    Unless it's a workforce that typically has at least some / more than a few leavers each month, a monthly percentage will only be a snapshot of that particular month and not necessarily representative of the current picture. For that, you'll need for example cumulative / year to date / annual figures analysed over different periods so that you can see both the extent and the trend.
  • In reply to David:

    Thank you David.
  • In reply to Valentina:

    In answer to the FTE (full-time equivalent question - if you have 50 staff of whom 5 are part-time at 50%, then they equate to 47.5 FTEs. One person leaving in a month will be 1/47.5 or 2.11% on an FTE basis, where it would have been 1/50 on a headcount basis.