Evidence required to demonstrate positive equality duties

We are formulating a response to a local government tender and one of the questions is: "provide evidence that they meet the requirements of the positive equality duties in relation to the Equalities Act 2010”.

We have our Equal Opportunities Policy which we follow and I can evidence very well in our recruitment and selection process, however,  I am struggling on how to demonstrate our positive equality duties specifically in areas around disability, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, age and religion and belief.  Although we are on the ready, we haven't (too my knowledge) had to address any of these areas. 

I wonder if others in the community have any ideas how to best demonstrate this?

Thank you in advance. 

  • How have they defined the positive equality duty? What do they mean by that? I have worked in the public sector and have not come across that term. Do they mean the Public Sector Equality Duty www.equalityhumanrights.com/.../public-sector-equality-duty
  • In reply to Andrea Lechner:

    Good question. Initially I googled to find out more...what was I missing? It was unclear. I don't know!!
  • I suspect they perhaps do mean the public sector equality duty if it is a government tender. They would need people who are providing services to or on behalf of the public sector, to meet the same criteria as them.

    This gives a good short summary of the things that are expected, it is evidencing that you go over and above the minimum required e.g. you positively work to remove barriers and support equality.

    For example, are you a Disability Confident employer, do you provide managers with training on equality and inclusion. Do you work in partnership groups with organisations that support minority groups to help remove barriers to people from those minority groups either accessing your services, or working for you. Have you achieved external recognition for equality by achieving an equality standard.

    This is my interpretation, but you may want to just double check back with the organisation to be sure.

    Good luck with the tender
  • In reply to Teresa:

    Thank you - it is beginning to make sense now.
  • It's entirely possible that they're not sure themselves. I often find that ringing up and asking will get you a reasonable answer.

    However, that said, the idea of "positive" equality duties is that they are proactive rather than reactive. So rather than waiting for a protected characteristic to come along and need special measures, what have you done to proactively promote a diverse workforce?
  • In reply to Robey:

    I have subconsciously wondered when a protected characteristic would appear on my radar. I take your advice and definitely agree on the proactive approach, rather than waiting.
    Thank you.
  • In reply to Debbie:

    Hi Debbie, did you find out what they meant? I am asking out of interest.